<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;">YOU CAN HELP</span><br /></p><p><br /></p><p>Do you want to help to bring legislative change to the 97th District? You can choose a variety of ways to help Bobby McCool's campaign. It takes the commitment of many people to affect change in state government. Your help in getting the message out to the district at large will be much appreciated. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">You</span></span> can help bring change to your area.<br /></p><p>You can:</p><ol><li>Volunteer your services to help campaign</li><li>Organize events to make the community aware of Bobby's campaign issues</li><li>Be involved in local events promoting Bobby's candidacy </li><li>Work the phones to help with the campaign</li><li>Contribute money to help fund the campaign</li><li>Other contributions not listed here</li></ol><p><br /></p><p>To assist with any or all of these areas, contact Bobby McCool at <a title="bobby@bobbymccool.com" href="mailto:bobby@bobbymccool.com">bobby@bobbymccool.com</a> or <a href="mailto:mccoolbobby@yahoo.com">mccoolbobby@yahoo.com </a><br /></p>